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Percentage Error Calculator

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Percentage Error Calculator

Percentage Error Equation

Percentage Error Equation
Percentage Error Equation

The percentage error = (|Observed Value – True Value| / True Value ) X 100.

This percentage error is the estimation of the discrepancy between the measurement value (observed value) and true value or the theoretical value multiplied by 100 .

Absolute Error Equation
Absolute Error Equation

The absolute error is the difference between the observed value and the true value.

Absolute error = |Observed Value – True Value|

Relative Error Equation
Relative Error Equation

The relative error error is the absolute error divided by the true error.

Relative error = Absolute error / True Value

Percentage Error Example

Percentage Error Example 1:

We estimated that 360 people will come to ceremony event but we count them we found 420 came to the ceremony.

based in the above we are going to estimate the percentage error following the below steps:

  • Step 1: Calculate the absolute error (the absolute result of the subtraction one value from the other)
  • Step 2: calculate the relative error by dividing the absolute error by the true value.
  • Step 3: Convert the relative error to a percentage (by multiplying by 100 and adding a “%” sign to the right)

The absolute error = | 360 – 420 | = 60.

The relative error = 60 / 420 = 0.14286.

Percentage error = 14.286 %

Percentage Error Calculator Example 1
Percentage Error Example 1

Percentage Error Example 2:

We measure the temperature of a surface 45 degree Celsius and the theatrical temperature of the surface was calculated 46 degree Celsius.

The observed value = 45 deg C.

The True Value = 46 deg C.

based in the above we are going to estimate the percentage error following the below steps:

The theoretical 

  • Step 1: Calculate the absolute error (the absolute result of the subtraction one value from the other)
  • Step 2: calculate the relative error by dividing the absolute error by the true value.
  • Step 3: Convert the relative error to a percentage (by multiplying by 100 and adding a “%” sign to the right)

The absolute error = | 45 – 46| = 1.

The relative error = 1 / 46 = 0.02174.

Percentage error = 2.174 %

Percentage Error Calculator Example 2
Percentage Error Example 2


Physics Lab Manual

Numerical Methods.

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