Use our online Decimal to Percent Calculator for free.
Our online decimal to percent calculator was designed for lazy mind and easy to use:
- type a whole number, decimal part or a fraction in the input cell in the top.
- in the Percent cell you get the result in percent.
- please be aware that the percentage number can increase above 100% or below 100%.
Decimal to Percent Equation

The equation to convert decimal to percentage is easy, you just need to multiply the number by 100 and add a sign %.
- When converting a number to percentage don’t forget to add the % sign at the right.
- The easy way to convert fraction number to percentage is to move the decimal point 2 places to the right and add the % sign at the right.
- Percentage or Percent literally means per 100 or over 100.

Fractions, Decimal to Percent Chart

Decimal to Percent Example
Decimal to Percent Example 1:
Convert 0.35 to percent.
we will express 0.35 in percentage to do so will multiply the 0.35 by 100/100=1,we can just use the trick explained above and move the decimal point two place to the right.
0.35 X 100/100 = 35%
Decimal to Percent Example 2:
Convert 0.125 to percent.
we will express 0.125 in percentage to do so will multiply the 0.125 by 100/100=1,we can just use the trick explained above and move the decimal point two place to the right.
0.125 X 100/100 = 12.5%
