Use our online percentage of percentage calculator.
Percentage of a Percentage CALCULATOR
Our online percentage of percentage calculator is designed for lazy mind and easy for use:
- Enter a percentage in the input cell for the 1st percentage (%).
- Enter a percentage in the input cell for the 2nd Percentage (%).
- Enter a value in the input cell Initial Value.
The Result section will shows:
- Cumulative Percentage: this cell will show the result of multiplying 1st percentage (%) and the 2nd Percentage (%).
Cumulative Percentage = 1st percentage (%) X 2nd Percentage (%). - Value after 1st Percentage: this cell will shows the result of multiplying 1st percentage (%) and the Initial Value.
Value after 1st Percentage = 1st percentage (%) X Initial Value. - Value after The Cumulative Percentage: this this cell will shows the result of multiplying 1st percentage (%), 2nd percentage (%) and the Initial Value.
Value after The Cumulative Percentage= Cumulative Percentage X Initial Value.
Percentage of a Percentage Equation

The Percentage of a Percentage Equation used for the calculator:
- Cumulative Percentage = 1st percentage (%) X 2nd Percentage (%).
- Value after 1st Percentage = 1st percentage (%) X Initial Value.
- Value after The Cumulative Percentage= Cumulative Percentage X Initial Value.
Percentage of a Percentage Examples
Percentage of a Percentage Example 1:
Calculate the Cumulative percentage, Value after the 1st Percentage and the Value after the cumulative Percentage for the below inputs:
- 1st percentage (%) = 35%
- 2nd Percentage (%) = 25%
- Initial Value =35
- Cumulative Percentage = 1st percentage (%) X 2nd Percentage (%).
Cumulative Percentage = 35% X 25%
= 8.75 % - Value after 1st Percentage = 1st percentage (%) X Initial Value.
Value after 1st Percentage = 35% X 35
= 12.25 - Value after The Cumulative Percentage= Cumulative Percentage X Initial Value.
Value after The Cumulative Percentage = 8.75 % x 35
= 3.0625

Percentage of a Percentage Example 2:
Calculate the Cumulative percentage, Value after the 1st Percentage and the Value after the cumulative Percentage for the below inputs:
- 1st percentage (%) = 15%
- 2nd Percentage (%) = 25%
- Initial Value =12
- Cumulative Percentage = 1st percentage (%) X 2nd Percentage (%).
Cumulative Percentage = 15% X 25%
= 3.75 % - Value after 1st Percentage = 1st percentage (%) X Initial Value.
Value after 1st Percentage = 35% X 12
= 1.8 - Value after The Cumulative Percentage= Cumulative Percentage X Initial Value.
Value after The Cumulative Percentage = 3.75 % x 12
= 0.45
