Heat Transfer

Log Mean Temperature Difference Calculator

Use our online Log Mean Temperature Difference Calculator: LMTD Formula: LMTD = [ΔT1- ΔT2]/[lnΔT1 / lnΔT2 ] where ΔT1 and  ΔT2 as defined below for the LMTD counter-current flow and LMTD parallel flow: LMTD Counter-current flow exchanger LMTD Parallel flow Exchanger  We used the equations shown above in our calculator Log Mean Temperature Difference Calculator. Why…


Prandtl Number of Oil

The Prandtl number is correlated with the temperature of the engine oil.The prandtl number is a dimensionless number defined as below: Pr = momentum diffusivity / thermal diffusivity = υ/α   ‘υ’=  momentum diffusivity or kinematic viscosity. ‘α’ = thermal diffusivity. The prandtl number of engine oil is high which lead to higher convective heat…

Heat Transfer

Prandtl Number Calculator

Prandtl Number Calculator Use our online Prandtl Number Calculator: Prandtl Number Equation The Prandtl Number (Pr) called also Prandtl group is a dimensionless number, introduced by the physicist Ludwig Prandtl. The Prandtl Number equation/formula is the ratio of two transport properties, the kinematic viscosity and the thermal diffusivity. The first propritie affect the the velocity…

Gas Correlations Oil and Gas Engineering

Natural Gas Calorific Value Calculator

Natural Gas Calorific Value Calculator Use our online Natural Gas Calorific Value Calculator based on the ISO 6976 (2016) Natural gas – Calculation of calorific values, density, relative density and Wobbe index from composition This calculator is designed to calculate the following for natural gas and other combustible gases : Gross Calorific Value Net Calorific…

Gas Correlations Oil and Gas Engineering Oil Correlations

Antoine Equation Calculator

Antoine Equation Calculator Saturated Vapor Pressure Calculator online: Antoine Equation Definition: Definition of Antoine Equation Definition provided by wikipedia: “The Antoine equation is a class of semi-empirical correlations relating the vapor pressure and temperature for pure components. The Antoine equation is derived from the Clausius–Clapeyron relation. The equation was presented in 1888 by the French…

Gas Correlations

Avogadro’s law Calculator

Avogadro’s law Calculator Online: Use our Avogadro’s law Calculator Online. Avogadro’s law Equation / formula: P1 / n1 = P2 /n2 P1 n2 = P2 n1  Where : n is the amount of substance of the gas (measured in moles) V is the volume of the gas Avogadro’s law Equation Avogadro hypothesis is that equal…