pump sizing calculators

Net Positive Suction Head Calculator – Online Calculator

Online Net Positive Suction Head Calculator.

Net Positive Suction Head Calculator - In terms of head

Pump Formulas Calculator — Imperial and SI Units
Imperial Units Ha = absolute pressure of the suction vessel, ft // SI Units Ha = absolute pressure of the suction vessel, m
Imperial Units fluid vapor pressure at pumping temperature, ft //SI Units Hvpa = fluid vapor pressure at pumping temperature, m
Imperial Units Hst = static head to suction reference point (usually center line of the impeller), ft // SI Units Hst = static head to suction reference line (usually center point of the impeller), m
Imperial Units Hfs = suction line losses, ft // SI Units Hfs = suction line losses, m
Imperial Units NPSH = net positive suction head at reference point (usually center line of the impeller), ft//SI Units NPSH = net positive suction head at reference point (usually center line of the impeller), m

Net Positive Suction Head Calculator - In terms of pressure and head

Pump Formulas Calculator — Imperial and SI Units
Imperial Units Pa = absolute pressure of the suction vessel, psia // SI Units Pa = absolute pressure of the suction vessel, kPa
Imperial Units Pvpa = fluid vapor pressure at pumping temperature, psia // SI Units Pvpa = fluid vapor pressure at pumping temperature, kPa absolute
Imperial Units Hst = static head to suction reference point (usually center line of the impeller), ft // SI Units Hst = static head to suction reference line (usually center point of the impeller), m
Imperial Units Hfs = suction line losses, ft //SI Units Hfs = suction line losses, m
SG = specific gravity
Imperial Units NPSH = net positive suction head at reference point (usually center line of the impeller), ft// SI Units NPSH = net positive suction head at reference point (usually center line of the impeller), m

Net Positive Suction Head Formulas:

Net Positive Suction Head Formulas In terms of head.

Imperial Units:

NPSH= Ha – Hvpa + Hst – Hfs.


NPSH = net positive suction head at reference point (usually center line of the impeller), ft.

Ha = absolute pressure of the suction vessel, ft.

Hvpa = fluid vapor pressure at pumping temperature, ft.

Hst = static head to suction reference point (usually center line of the impeller), ft.

Hfs = suction line losses, ft.

SI Units:

NPSH= Ha – Hvpa + Hst – Hfs.


NPSH = net positive suction head at reference point (usually center line of the impeller), m.

Ha = absolute pressure of the suction vessel, m.

Hvpa = fluid vapor pressure at pumping temperature, m.

Hst = static head to suction reference line (usually center point of the impeller), m.

Hfs = suction line losses, m.

Net Positive Suction Head Formulas In terms of pressure and head.

Imperial Units:

NPSH= (2.31 (Pa – Pvpa) / SG) + Hst – Hfs.


NPSH = net positive suction head at reference point (usually center line of the impeller), ft.

Pa = absolute pressure of the suction vessel, psia.

Pvpa = fluid vapor pressure at pumping temperature, psia.

Hst = static head at reference point (usually center line of the impeller), ft.

Hfs = suction line losses, ft.

SG = specific gravity.

SI Units:

NPSH= ((Pa – Pvpa) /( g * ρ)) + Hst – Hfs.


NPSH = net positive suction head at reference point (usually center line of the impeller), m.

Pa = absolute pressure of the suction vessel, kPa.

Pvpa = fluid vapor pressure at pumping temperature, kPa absolute.

Hst = static head to suction reference line (usually center point of the impeller), m.

Hfs = suction line losses, m.

ρ = fluid density, kg/m3.

g = gravitational constant, 9.81 m/s2.