Heat Transfer

Log Mean Temperature Difference Calculator

Use our online Log Mean Temperature Difference Calculator: LMTD Formula: LMTD = [ΔT1- ΔT2]/[lnΔT1 / lnΔT2 ] where ΔT1 and  ΔT2 as defined below for the LMTD counter-current flow and LMTD parallel flow: LMTD Counter-current flow exchanger LMTD Parallel flow Exchanger  We used the equations shown above in our calculator Log Mean Temperature Difference Calculator. Why…

Heat Transfer

Prandtl Number Calculator

Prandtl Number Calculator Use our online Prandtl Number Calculator: Prandtl Number Equation The Prandtl Number (Pr) called also Prandtl group is a dimensionless number, introduced by the physicist Ludwig Prandtl. The Prandtl Number equation/formula is the ratio of two transport properties, the kinematic viscosity and the thermal diffusivity. The first propritie affect the the velocity…